News and announcements¶
September 2023: Iter8 has been accepted as a tier 2 component for Open Data Hub.
June 2023: Our proposal to integrate with Open Data Hub has been accepted!
March 2023: New Stack blog article by Michael Kalantar. Iter8: Simple A/B/n Testing of Kubernetes Apps, ML Models
February 2023: DZone article by Alan Cha. Automated Performance Testing With ArgoCD and Iter8
December 2022: DZone article by Michael Kalantar. Simplifying A/B/n Testing of Backend Services
October 2022: Iter8 at KubeCon. Conference details
- Presentation by Srinivasan Parthasarathy. Video coming soon
- Lightning talk by Alan Cha. Video link here
August 2022: ITNEXT article by Alan Cha. Performance testing with Iter8, now with custom metrics!
August 2022: Knative blog article by Srinivasan Parthasarathy. Simple Performance Testing with SLOs
June 2022: Iter8 at Open Source Summit. Video coming soon. Conference details
May 2022: IBM Developer blog article by Srinivasan Parthasarathy. Dead simple benchmarking and SLO validation for Kubernetes services
May 2022: New Stack blog article by Srinivasan Parthasarathy. Iter8 Unifies Performance Validation for gRPC and HTTP
March 2022: New Stack blog article by Michael Kalantar. Simple Load Testing with GitHub Actions
Feb 2022: New Stack blog article on Simple HTTP Load Testing with SLOs
Nov 2021: Iter8 at ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing. Full paper here
Iter8 v0.7 and older
- Oct 2021: New Stack blog article by Hai Huang: Progressive Delivery on OpenShift
- Oct 2021: Iter8 at PREVAIL conference. Video coming soon. Conference details
- Oct 2021: New Stack blog article by Srinivasan Parthasarathy: Validate Service-Level Objectives of REST APIs Using Iter8
- Jul 2021: Blog article by Clive Cox: ML Progressive Rollouts with Seldon and Iter8
Jul 2021: Iter8 at Knative meetup
May 2021: Iter8 at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe
Mar 2021: Iter8 at Knative meetup
- Mar 2021: Kubeflow blog article by Animesh Singh and Dan Sun: Operationalize, Scale and Infuse Trust in AI Models using KFServing
- Oct 2020: Medium blog article by Michael Kalantar: Automated Canary Release of Microservices on Kubernetes using Tekton and iter8
- Oct 2020: Medium blog article by Kusuma Chalasani: Better Performance with kruize and iter8 for your microservices application
- Oct 2020: Medium blog article by Srinivasan Parthasarathy: Automated Canary Release of TensorFlow Models on Kubernetes
- Oct 2020: Medium blog article by Sushma Ravichandran: Iter8: Take a look at the magic under the hood
- Aug 2020: Medium blog article by Fabio Oliveira: Iter8: Achieving Agility with Control