Benchmark and Validate HTTP services¶
The slo-validation-istio
collects latency and error-related metrics and validates service-level objectives (SLOs) from an application using Istio.
Before you begin
Enable automatic Istio sidecar injection for the
namespace. This ensures that the pods created in steps 4 and 5 will have the Istio sidecar.kubectl label namespace default istio-injection=enabled --overwrite
Deploy the sample HTTP service in the Kubernetes cluster.
kubectl create deploy httpbin --image=kennethreitz/httpbin --port=80 kubectl expose deploy httpbin --port=80
Generate load.
kubectl run fortio --image=fortio/fortio --command -- fortio load -t 6000s http://httpbin.default/get
Validate SLOs for a service¶
The slo-validation-istio
experiment will regularly check for metrics and validate SLOs.
The following metrics are collected by default by this experiment:
: total number of requests sentistio/error-count
: number of error responsesistio/error-rate
: fraction of error responsesistio/latency-mean
: mean of observed latency valuesistio/le500ms-latency-percentile
: percentile of requests with less than or equal latency of 500ms
All latency metrics have msec
In order to run the slo-validation-istio
experiment, the following need to be set.
, the cron schedule that determines when the metrics collection and SLO validation is run. It is currently configured to run every minute.providerURL
, the URL of the metrics provider, in this case Prometheus database endpointdestination_workload
, the name of the servicedestination_workload_namespace
, the namespace of the service
In addition, the SLOs to be validated also need to be set. In this case, istio/error-rate
and istio/latency-mean
will be validated.
iter8 k launch -c slo-validation-istio \
--set cronjobSchedule="*/1 * * * *" \
--set providerURL=http://prometheus.istio-system:9090 \
--set versionInfo.destination_workload=httpbin \
--set versionInfo.destination_workload_namespace=default \
--set SLOs.istio/error-rate=0 \
--set SLOs.istio/latency-mean=100
In the experiment above, the following SLOs are validated.
- error rate is 0
- mean latency is under 100 msec
View experiment report¶
iter8 k report
The text report looks like this
Experiment summary:
Experiment completed: false
No task failures: true
Total number of tasks: 2
Number of completed tasks: 6
Whether or not service level objectives (SLOs) are satisfied:
SLO Conditions |Satisfied
-------------- |---------
istio/error-rate <= 0 |true
istio/latency-mean <= 100 |true
Latest observed values for metrics:
Metric |value
------- |-----
istio/error-count |0.00
istio/error-rate |0.00
istio/latency-mean |6.31
istio/le500ms-latency-percentile |1.00
istio/request-count |2110.00
iter8 k report -o html > report.html # view in a browser
The HTML report looks like this
Because the cronjobSchedule
has been set to run every minute, the report will change periodically.
Assert experiment outcomes¶
Assert that the experiment encountered no failures, and all SLOs are satisfied.
iter8 k assert -c nofailure -c slos
Sample output from assert
INFO[2021-11-10 09:33:12] experiment has no failure
INFO[2021-11-10 09:33:12] SLOs are satisfied
INFO[2021-11-10 09:33:12] all conditions were satisfied