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Load test gRPC method

Load test a Kubernetes gRPC service and visualize the performance metrics with an Iter8 Grafana dashboard.


Before you begin
  1. Try Your first performance test. Understand the main concepts behind.
  2. Deploy the sample gRPC service in the Kubernetes cluster.

    kubectl create deployment routeguide --image=golang --port=50051 \
    -- bash -c "git clone -b v1.52.0 --depth 1; cd grpc-go/examples/route_guide; sed -i "''" "'"s/localhost//"'" server/server.go; go run server/server.go"
    kubectl expose deployment routeguide --port=50051

  3. Have Grafana available. For example, Grafana can be installed on your cluster as follows:

    kubectl create deploy grafana --image=grafana/grafana
    kubectl expose deploy grafana --port=3000

Install the Iter8 controller

Iter8 can be installed and configured to watch resources either in a single namespace (namespace-scoped) or in the whole cluster (cluster-scoped).

helm install --repo --version 0.18 iter8 controller
helm install --repo --version 0.18 iter8 controller \
--set clusterScoped=true

For additional install options, see Iter8 Installation.

Launch performance test

helm upgrade --install \
--repo --version 0.18 routeguide-test iter8 \
--set "tasks={ready,grpc}" \
--set ready.deploy=routeguide \
--set ready.service=routeguide \
--set ready.timeout=60s \
--set \
--set grpc.protoURL= \
--set \
--set grpc.dataURL=
helm upgrade --install \
--repo --version 0.18 routeguide-test iter8 \
--set "tasks={ready,grpc}" \
--set ready.deploy=routeguide \
--set ready.service=routeguide \
--set ready.timeout=60s \
--set \
--set grpc.protoURL= \
--set \
--set grpc.dataURL=
helm upgrade --install \
--repo --version 0.18 routeguide-test iter8 \
--set "tasks={ready,grpc}" \
--set ready.deploy=routeguide \
--set ready.service=routeguide \
--set ready.timeout=60s \
--set \
--set grpc.protoURL= \
--set \
--set grpc.dataURL=
helm upgrade --install \
--repo --version 0.18 routeguide-test iter8 \
--set "tasks={ready,grpc}" \
--set ready.deploy=routeguide \
--set ready.service=routeguide \
--set ready.timeout=60s \
--set \
--set grpc.protoURL= \
--set \
--set grpc.dataURL=
About this performance test

This performance test consists of two tasks, namely, ready, and grpc.

The ready task checks if the routeguide deployment exists and is available, and the routeguide service exists.

The grpc task sends call requests to the specified method of the cluster-local gRPC service with host address routeguide.default:50051 and collects Iter8's built-in gRPC load test metrics. This task supports all four gRPC service methods: unary, server streaming, client streaming, and bidirectional streaming, and will provide payload in the appropriate manner using dataURL.

View results using Grafana

Inspect the metrics using Grafana. If Grafana is deployed to your cluster, port-forward requests as follows:

kubectl port-forward service/grafana 3000:3000

Open Grafana in a browser by going to http://localhost:3000 and login. The default username/password are admin/admin.

Add a JSON API data source routeguide-test with the following parameters:

  • URL: http://iter8.default:8080/grpcDashboard
  • Query string: namespace=default&test=routeguide-test

Create a new dashboard by import. Paste the contents of the grpc Grafana dashboard into the text box and load it. Associate it with the JSON API data source defined above.

The Iter8 dashboard will look like the following:

grpc Iter8 dashboard

View logs

Logs are useful for debugging.

kubectl logs -l


Remove the performance test and the sample app from the Kubernetes cluster.

helm delete routeguide-test
kubectl delete svc/routeguide
kubectl delete deploy/routeguide

Uninstall the Iter8 controller

helm delete iter8

For additional uninstall options, see Iter8 Uninstall.

If you installed Grafana, you can delete it as follows:

kubectl delete svc/grafana deploy/grafana
Some variations and extensions of this performance test
  1. The grpc task can be configured with load related parameters such as the total number of requests, requests per second, or number of concurrent connections.