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Blue-green release of a ML model

This tutorial shows how Iter8 can be used to release ML models hosted in a KServe ModelMesh environment using a blue-green release strategy. In a blue-green release, a percentage of requests are directed to a candidate version of the model. This percentage can be changed over time. The user declaratively describes the desired application state at any given moment. An Iter8 release chart assists users who describe the application state at any given moment. The chart provides the configuration needed for Iter8 to automatically deploy application versions and configure the routing to implement the blue-green release strategy.

Blue-green release

Before you begin
  1. Ensure that you have the kubectl and helm CLIs installed.
  2. Have access to a cluster running KServe ModelMesh Serving. For example, you can create a modelmesh-serving Quickstart environment. If using the Quickstart environment, your default namespace will be changed to modelmesh-serving. If using a local cluster (for example, Kind or Minikube), we recommend providing the cluster with at least 16GB of memory.
  3. Install Istio. It suffices to install the demo profile, for example by using:
    istioctl install --set profile=demo -y

Install the Iter8 controller

Iter8 can be installed and configured to watch resources either in a single namespace (namespace-scoped) or in the whole cluster (cluster-scoped).

helm install --repo --version 0.18 iter8 controller
helm install --repo --version 0.18 iter8 controller \
--set clusterScoped=true

For additional install options, see Iter8 Installation.

Deploy initial version

Deploy the initial version of the model using the Iter8 release chart by identifying the environment into which it should be deployed, a list of the versions to be deployed (only one here), and the release strategy to be used:

cat <<EOF | helm upgrade --install wisdom --repo release --version 0.18 -f -
environment: kserve-modelmesh-istio
    labels: wisdom
    annotations: localMinIO
  modelFormat: sklearn
  - metadata:
      labels: v0
    storageUri: s3://modelmesh-example-models/sklearn/mnist-svm.joblib
  strategy: blue-green

Wait for the backend model to be ready:

kubectl wait --for condition=ready isvc/wisdom-0 --timeout=600s
What happens?
  • Because environment is set to kserve-modelmesh-istio, an InferenceService object is created.
  • The namespace default is inherited from the Helm release namespace since it is not specified in the version or in application.metadata.
  • The name wisdom-0 is derived from the Helm release name since it is not specified in the version or in application.metadata. The name is derived by appending the index of the version in the list of versions; -0 in this case.
  • Alternatively, an inferenceServiceSpecification could have been provided.

To support routing, a ServiceEntry named default/wisdom is deployed. Further, an Iter8 routemap is created.

Once the InferenceService is ready, the Iter8 controller automatically configures the routing by creating an Istio VirtualService. It is configured to route all inference requests to the only deployed version, wisdom-0.

Verify routing

You can send verify the routing configuration by inspecting the VirtualService:

kubectl get virtualservice wisdom -o yaml

You can also send inference requests from a pod within the cluster:

  1. Create a sleep pod in the cluster from which requests can be made:

    curl -s | sh -

  2. Exec into the sleep pod:

    kubectl exec --stdin --tty "$(kubectl get pod --sort-by={metadata.creationTimestamp} -l app=sleep -o jsonpath={} | rev | cut -d' ' -f 1 | rev)" -c sleep -- /bin/sh

  3. Send requests:

    cat grpc_input.json \
    | grpcurl -vv -plaintext -proto kserve.proto -d @ \
      -authority wisdom.modelmesh-serving \
      modelmesh-serving.modelmesh-serving:8033 \
      inference.GRPCInferenceService.ModelInfer \
    | grep -e app-version

The output includes the version of the application that responded (in the app-version response header). In this example:

app-version: wisdom-0

Deploy candidate

A candidate version of the model can be deployed simply by adding a second version to the list of versions comprising the application:

cat <<EOF | helm upgrade --install wisdom --repo release --version 0.18 -f -
environment: kserve-modelmesh-istio
    labels: wisdom
    annotations: localMinIO
  modelFormat: sklearn
  - metadata:
      labels: v0
    storageUri: "s3://modelmesh-example-models/sklearn/mnist-svm.joblib"
  - metadata:
      labels: v1
    storageUri: "s3://modelmesh-example-models/sklearn/mnist-svm.joblib"
  strategy: blue-green
About the candidate

In this tutorial, the model source (field storageUri) for the candidate version is the same as for the primary version of the model. In a real example, this would be different. The version label ( can be used to distinguish between versions.

When the candidate version is ready, the Iter8 controller will Iter8 will automatically reconfigure the routing so that requests are sent to both versions.

Verify Routing

You can verify the routing configuration by inspecting the VirtualService and/or by sending requests as described above. Requests will be handled equally by both versions. Output will be something like:

app-version: wisdom-0
app-version: wisdom-1

Modify weights (optional)

To modify the request distribution between versions, add a weight to each version. The weights are relative to each other.

cat <<EOF | helm upgrade --install wisdom --repo release --version 0.18 -f -
environment: kserve-modelmesh-istio
    labels: wisdom
    annotations: localMinIO
  modelFormat: sklearn
  - metadata:
      labels: v0
    storageUri: "s3://modelmesh-example-models/sklearn/mnist-svm.joblib"
    weight: 30
  - metadata:
      labels: v1
    storageUri: "s3://modelmesh-example-models/sklearn/mnist-svm.joblib"
    weight: 70
  strategy: blue-green

Iter8 automatically reconfigures the routing to distribute traffic between the versions based on the new weights.

Verify Routing

You can verify the routing configuration by inspecting the VirtualService and/or by sending requests as described above. 70 percent of requests will now be handled by the candidate version (wisdom-1); the remaining 30 percent by the primary version (wisdom-0).

Promote candidate

cat <<EOF | helm upgrade --install wisdom --repo release --version 0.18 -f -
environment: kserve-modelmesh-istio
    labels: wisdom
    annotations: localMinIO
  modelFormat: sklearn
  - metadata:
      labels: v1
    storageUri: s3://modelmesh-example-models/sklearn/mnist-svm.joblib
  strategy: blue-green
What is different?

The version label ( of the primary version was updated. In a real world example, storageUri would also be updated (with that from the candidate version).

Once the (reconfigured) primary InferenceService ready, the Iter8 controller will automatically reconfigure the routing to send all requests to it.

Verify Routing

You can verify the routing configuration by inspecting the VirtualService and/or by sending requests as described above. They will all be handled by the primary version. Output will be something like:

app-version: wisdom-0


Delete the models are their routing:

helm delete wisdom

If you used the sleep pod to generate load, remove it:

kubectl delete deploy sleep

Uninstall Iter8 controller:

helm delete iter8

For additional uninstall options, see Iter8 Uninstall.