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Experiment Parameters

Iter8 is built on Helm. Iter8 experiments can be configured with parameters using the same mechanisms provided by Helm for setting chart values.

The set of configurable parameters of an experiment includes the parameters of the tasks involved in the experiment. Iter8 uses the convention that the parameters of a task are nested under the name of that task. In the following example, the url parameter of the http task is nested under the http object, and the SLOs parameter of the assess task is nested under the assess object.

iter8 k launch \
--set "tasks={http,assess}" \
--set http.url= \
--set assess.SLOs.upper.http/latency-mean=50 \
--set assess.SLOs.upper.http/error-count=0
--set runner=job

All the parameters of a task or an experiment are optional unless indicated otherwise in the documentation of the task or experiment.


Global experiment parameters are described here. Task specific parameters are documented in each task description.

Name Type Description
serviceAccountName string Optional name of a service account to use. If specified, it is assumed the service account has the necessary permissions to run an experiment. If not specified, Iter8 will create a service account.
runner string One of job or cronjob indicating whether the experiment has a single loop or multiple loops, respectively.
cronjobSchedule string Schedule for a multi-loop experiment. Required if runner is cronjob. Ignored otherwise. Expressed using Unix cronjob notation.
logLevel string Log level. Must be one of trace, debug, info (default), warning, or error.