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Generate requests for a gRPC service and and collect latency and error-related metrics.

Usage example

In this experiment, the grpc task generates call requests for a gRPC service hosted at hello.default:50051, defined in the protobuf file located at grpc.protoURL, with a gRPC method named helloworld.Greeter.SayHello. Metrics collected by this task are used by the assess task to validate SLOs.

iter8 k launch \
--set "tasks={grpc,assess}" \
--set"hello.default:50051" \
--set"helloworld.Greeter.SayHello" \
--set grpc.protoURL="" \
--set assess.SLOs.upper.grpc/error-rate=0 \
--set assess.SLOs.upper.grpc/latency/p'97\.5'=800 \
--set runner=job


Any field in the Config struct of the ghz runner package can be used as a parameter in this task. The JSON tags of the struct fields directly correspond to the names of the parameters of this task. In the usage example, the parameters host and call correspond to the Call and Host fields respectively in the Config struct.

In addition, the following fields are defined by this task.

Name Type Description
protoURL string (URL) URL where the protobuf file that defines the gRPC service is located.
dataURL string (URL) URL where JSON data to be used in call requests is located.
binaryDataURL string (URL) URL where binary data to be used in call requests is located.
metadataURL string (URL) URL where the JSON metadata data to be used in call requests is located.


This task creates a built-in provider named grpc. The following metrics are collected by this task:

  • grpc/request-count: total number of requests sent
  • grpc/error-count: number of error responses
  • grpc/error-rate: fraction of error responses

The following latency metrics are also supported by this task.

  • grpc/latency/mean: mean latency
  • grpc/latency/stddev: standard deviation of latency
  • grpc/latency/min: min latency
  • grpc/latency/max: max latency
  • grpc/latency/pX: Xth percentile latency, for any X in the range 0.0 to 100.0

All latency metrics have msec units.

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