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Benchmark and Validate a Knative gRPC service

Before you begin
  1. Install Iter8 CLI.
  2. Install Knative and deploy your first Knative Service. As noted at the end of the Knative tutorial, when you curl the Knative service,
    you should see the expected output as follows.
    Hello World!
  3. Update the Knative service deployed above to a gRPC service as follows.
    kn service update hello \
    --image \
    --port 50051 \

Benchmark and validate SLOs for the Knative gRPC service by launching an Iter8 experiment.

iter8 launch -c load-test-grpc \
--set-string host="" \
--set-string call="helloworld.Greeter.SayHello" \
--set-string protoURL="" \
--set"frodo" \
--set SLOs.grpc/error-rate=0 \
--set SLOs.grpc/latency/mean=400 \
--set SLOs.grpc/latency/p90=500 \
--set SLOs.grpc/latency/p'97\.5'=600

Please refer to the usage documentation for the load-test-grpc experiment chart that describes how to parameterize this experiment, assert SLOs, and view experiment reports.

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